Concise Minutes - Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 2 - Senedd

Meeting date: Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Meeting time: 08.55 - 12.30
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




Assembly Members:

John Griffiths AM (Chair)

Gareth Bennett AM

Janet Finch-Saunders AM

Siân Gwenllian AM

Bethan Jenkins AM

Rhianon Passmore AM

Jenny Rathbone AM

Joyce Watson AM


Committee Staff:

Naomi Stocks (Clerk)

Chloe Davies (Deputy Clerk)

Hannah Johnson (Researcher)

Stephen Davies (Legal Adviser)




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1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1 The Chair welcomed Members and members of the public to the meeting.



2       Inquiry into poverty in Wales: Communities First - lessons learnt - evidence session 1

2.1 The Committee received evidence from:

·         Tim Peppin, Director of Regeneration and Sustainable Development, Welsh Local Government Association

·         Tina McMahon, Senior Community Regeneration Manager, Caerphilly County Borough Council

·         Gareth Davies, Performance and Outcomes Manager, Torfaen County Borough Council


2.2 During the session, the Caerphilly County Borough Council agreed to provide a copy of their detailed transition plans, when available.



3       Inquiry into poverty in Wales: Communities First - lessons learnt - evidence session 2

3.1 The Committee received evidence from:

·         Dr Eva Elliott, Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences, Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD), School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University


3.2 During the session, Dr Eva Elliott agreed to consult with relevant colleagues and provide information on suggested local and national indicators, to inform performance measuring.



4       Inquiry into poverty in Wales: Communities First - lessons learnt - evidence session 3

4.1 The Committee received evidence from:

·         Russell Todd, Communities First Manager, Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)

·         Anna Nicholl, Director of Strategy and Sector Development, Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)

·         Dr Victoria Winckler, Director, Bevan Foundation


4.2 -  During the session, the WCVA agreed to provide a copy of their recommendations on the future shape of the tackling poverty agenda, once available.



5       Paper(s) to note



5.1   Note of visits in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt

5.1.a The Committee noted the note of the visits in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt.



5.2   Correspondence with the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt

5.2.a The Committee noted the correspondence with the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt.



5.3   Notes of group discussions with tenants in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill

5.3.a The Committee noted the notes of group discussions with tenants in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill.



5.4   Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill

5.4.a The Committee noted the letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill.



5.5   Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill

5.5.a The Committee noted the letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill.



5.6   Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government in relation to Human Rights in Wales

5.6.a The Committee noted the letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government in relation to Human Rights in Wales.



5.7   Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government in relation to reforming local government

5.7.a The Committee noted the letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government in relation to reforming local government.



5.8   Letter from the Chair of the Petitions Committee in relation to current petitions

5.8.a The Committee noted the letter from the Chair of the Petitions Committee in relation to current petitions.



6       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 (vi) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting

6.1 The Committee agreed the motion.



7       Inquiry into poverty in Wales: Communities First - lessons learnt - consideration of evidence received under items 2, 3 and 4

7.1 The Committee discussed the evidence received under items 2, 3 and 4.
